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Nature Journal: Week Three


Nature Journal - April 6th
A tiny seedling has found itself nestled in the decaying remains of a larch stump. Everywhere in the woods life springs from death. These are the 'seed leaves’ or cotyledons of the seedling which are often a simpler form than that of the plant’s final leaf shape; it takes more of the seed’s stored energy to create complex shapes such as the lobes on an oak leaf. Until the second set of leaves develops I don’t know what species this is so I’m going to keep checking on it to see... ⁣


Nature Journal - April 7th
The wild cherry (Prunus avium) blossom has exploded over the last few days. Each tree is now humming loudly with bees and other insect activity that can be heard from a good distance away.⁣

Nature Journal April 9th
I don’t know why, but I’m drawn to the tiny little details in nature that most people miss. Here are a few minuscule wildflowers spotted today: Opposite leaved golden saxifrage, moschatel and what I think but need to double check is ivy leaved speedwell.


Nature Journal April 10th
Watched this bee flit from flower to flower. Perfectly adapted for foraging among the bluebells.

Nature Journal April 12th
I heard the surprisingly distinctive rustling sound of a snake moving through the leaves and then spotted a little grass snake disappearing into a hole in the base of an oak tree! We set up our @mynaturewatch camera to try and capture his its exit and this is what we got.